A useful guide provided by the PORTUGUESE HIGH COMMISSION FOR MIGRATION (www.acm.gov.pt). Para versão em Português, clique aqui.
Visa application/Visa waiver
To enter Portugal, it is necessary to ensure the following conditions, among others:
be in possession of a valid travel document (passport);
have sufficient means of subsistence for the period of stay;
and hold a valid and adequate visa for the purpose of the stay.
The visa must be requested at a Portuguese diplomatic mission or consular post based abroad. For short- term stays, for example, for the purpose of tourism, Timorese citizens are exempt from visa requirements. This does not happen if the purpose of traveling to Portugal is to study, work, do an internship, volunteer, or others. In these cases, it is necessary to apply for a visa in advance. For more information consult: https://vistos.mne.gov.pt/
Regular stay in Portugal
It is the duty of citizens after entering Portugal to maintain their status of permanence in the country regularized, and, depending on the type of visa/visa exemption with which they entered the country, to extend their stay and/or request the granting of a residence permit from the competent authority, SEF (Immigration and Borders Service). For more information consult: https://imigrante.sef.pt/
Tax identification
The Tax Identification Number (NIF) is issued by the Tax and Customs Authority (AT) and is mandatory to access different basic and integration services in Portugal, such as health, employment, training, social support and education. The NIF application is free of charge and can be requested in person (by prior appointment made through the number 217 206 707, on weekdays, from 9:00 am to 7:00 pm) or electronically (in this case, at the Finance Portal, via e-counter, by the tax representative of the foreign citizen). For more information consult: www.portaldasfinancas.gov.pt
Social protection
The Social Security Identification Number (NISS) is the number that allows identification with Social Security, and it is free. The NISS attribution request must be made in person at an attendance service, by appointment. You can also request NISS NA HORA, through the phone numbers 210 548 888 or 300 088 888. Find out more information here.
If you are in Portugal and find yourself in a situation of lack of protection and vulnerability and need immediate social support intervention, you should contact the National Social Emergency Line (LNES), by calling the telephone number 144.
Access to health care
If you are a migrant and are sick, or need any type of health care, you have the right to be assisted at a Health Center or Hospital of the National Health Service (SNS). These services cannot refuse to assist you based on any reasons related to nationality, lack of economic means, lack of residence permit or any other. However, if you are in Portugal in an irregular situation, without a visa or residence permit, you may have to pay for consultations for the care received. You will have access to the SNS, free of charge, in situations of public health risk or in situations where you need urgent or vital care. Public health situations are considered: communicable diseases (Hepatitis, Tuberculosis, HIV infection and AIDS/AIDS), vaccination, maternal health care, reproductive health and child health. If you are in possession of a document proving a valid residence permit, you should go to the Health Center in your area of residence, requesting registration there and the attribution of the National User Number (NNU).
Job search
If you are living in Portugal and are looking for a job, the Institute of Employment and Training (IEFP) provides various services and support that can help you enter the job market, by providing support in your job search and providing job offers, employment, internships and professional training. You can start by signing up at any IEFP desk to access these services and supports. For more information, consult the IEFP website: https://www.iefp.pt/inscricao-para-emprego
Work conditions
When working in Portugal, you will have the same rights and duties than a worker with Portuguese nationality. If you are working or if you have been offered an employment contract and you have questions about your rights or working conditions, you should contact the Authority for Working Conditions (ACT): dir.mail@act.gov.pt or through the telephone number 300 069 300 or through the social networks at www.facebook.com/act.gov.pt/ For more information check: www.act.gov.pt
Portuguese Language Learning
To learn the Portuguese language, you can contact the IEFP Employment and Professional Training Centers, public schools and Qualifica Centers. To find out about the courses available under the Portuguese Host Language (PLA) or others, contact the High Commission for Migration (ACM): glpt@acm.gov.pt
Access to training
To access training, contact the Qualifica Center or an educational establishment close to your area of residence. You can locate a Qualifica Center on the Qualifica Portal, available at www.qualifica.gov.pt
You can also access professional qualification through the network of Direct and Shared Management Training Centers of the IEFP.
Human Trafficking (TSH) takes different forms, such as sexual exploitation, labor exploitation, organ trafficking, begging, illegal adoptions and exploitation of illegal activities. To recognize the signs of a possible TSH situation, answer the following questions:
Did someone pay to organize your trip?
Have you been promised a job and housing, but theconditions offered were not met?
You don’t have a written employment contract?
Are you not receiving compensation for the work you do?
Were your documents taken from you?
Are you under surveillance, isolated or forbidden to leavethe place where you are?
Are you a victim of physical, psychological, sexual oreconomic violence?
Were you forced to steal, beg or prostitute yourself?
Are you the victim of threats to yourself or your family?
Are you being forced to lie to authorities, family membersor others?
If you are in one of these situations, immediately contact 964 608 288, a 24-hour helpline.For expert care answers, please visit: https://www.cig.gov.pt/bases-de-dados/recursos-uteis/
Migrants who need and want to return voluntarily to their country can do so in a dignified and safe manner, and can be supported to achieve sustainable reintegration, regardless of their migratory status. For more information contact the International Organization for Migration (IOM) or consult https://www.retornovoluntario.pt/retorno.php?p=3
NATIONAL SUPPORT CENTRES FOR THE INTEGRATION OF MIGRANTS (CNAIM), in Porto, Lisbon, Beja and Faro: informacoes@acm.gov.pt
808 257 257 | (+351) 21 810 61 91, from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, on weekdays, and from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, on Saturdays
LOCAL SUPPORT CENTRES FOR THE INTEGRATION OF MIGRANTS (CLAIM) Contacts: https://plim.acm.gov.pt/contactos/contactos-rede-claim
Social Security Line:
(+351) 210 545 400 | (+351) 300 502 502, weekdays, from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm www.seg-social.pt
NATIONAL SOCIAL EMERGENCY LINE: 144, public toll-free telephone number, available 24 hours a day, every day of the year
INSTITUTE OF EMPLOYMENT AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING, IP Helpline: (+351) 300 010 001 or (+351) 215 803 555, weekdays from 9:00 am to 7:00 pm E-mail: iefp.info@iefp.pt
INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR MIGRATION (OIM) PORTUGAL Tel. (+351) 213 242 940 | Tlm. (+351) 915 030 860 E-mail: arvore-portugal@iom.int www.facebook.com/oimportugal Time: Monday to Friday, from 09:00 to 13:00 and from 14:00 to 18:00